Ep #186 - Vaxports???

Vaxports: Should travel post pandemic entail a vaccine passport? A document that states your vaccination status, allowing certain privileges when travelling domestically, internationally - and even to local restaurants? Does it punish the unvaccinated? What about our privacy? I talk about developments in my acting, pain in the comedy process and joining a muffin cult. Recorded 24/7/2021.

JRtheP Snips - A Message To Coloured Conservatives...

There's an old saying - You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. How and why you catch flies is your own business of course, much like the living of your life in general. Hence conservatives, coloured or caucasian, would due well to keep a honey jar handy when communicating some of their very sound and effective ideas. Snippet from JRtheP - Ep #183 - 01/7/2021.